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Noticias y actividades

Online Webinars about Participatory Budgeting and Young People

Due to the epidemic, we were forced to cancel events planned for April in Glasgow on participatory budgeting, which were as the part of the “Youth PB Accelerator” project.

30 people from partner organizations from Poland, the UK and Spain, as well as Scottish representatives from public bodies, community groups, schools and youth organisations were supposed to participate in the event, but can’t because of travel restrictions.

However, we do not want to miss the opportunity to even partially implement a very extensive 4 day programme.

Therefore, we invite you to participate in three online workshop sessions on 21st and 22nd April this year.


Participatory Budgeting Youth Accelerator Knowledge Sharing Workshop ONLINE

The first, on the morning of the 21st April, is a knowledge exchange workshop, with invited participants of around 4 Scotland based PB programmes to explore in greater depth the unique features of each. We are inviting delegates from Scottish Youth PB programmes to share their learning from doing PB with young people in formal and informal settings with our invited international guests.

The online meeting will kick off with a series of short case studies and Q+A rounds. Following these knowledge sharing sessions we will work together to create ‘Big Picture’ Stories. Creating narratives of our collective “Who, What, Where, When, Why” of Youth PB to inform our toolkit and website content. Participation is limited, but if you feel have something to contribute:

Book your place at


Participatory Budgeting Youth Accelerator Open Space ONLINE

The second workshop, on the morning of the 22nd April is an ‘Open Space’ meeting will be an opportunity to engage with a diverse cross-section of those having leadership roles behind the growth of Participatory Budgeting.

The focus will be on democratic innovation and the future of youth empowerment, especially now Covid-19 has affected society so deeply. It will seek to answer the following questions:

What has already or will need to change as a result of Covid-19?
How might existing democratic practices evolve?
How do we ensure schools, youth organisation and other stakeholders recognise and respond to the aspirations of young people through embracing participatory budgeting?
We will harvest key messages around developing Youth PB locally and at scale, in the community and in schools, based on the challenge question: ‘What would it take to go bigger, deeper and further in accelerating Youth PB in a post Covid-19 world?’. The online meeting will be recorded to create an enduring visual record and resource.

Book your place at


PB Youth Accelerator Legislative Theatre Workshop ONLINE

Following on from the morning open space ZOOM workshop on the afternoon of the 22nd April is a session focussed on democratic deliberation, and an opportunity to learn about a innovative methodology for democratic policy development. We will be learning about Legislative Theatre, with invited young people, to creatively explore new approaches to youth participation.

Conversations will be led by Katy Rubin, founder of Theatre of the Oppressed New York, who is one of the foremost practitioners and facilitators of Legislative Theatre. Katy trained with Augusto Boal, creator of Theatre of the Oppressed in Brazil, and has facilitated Theatre of the Oppressed projects with activists and artists internationally and across the US over the past decade. We are inviting creative practitioners, youth empowerment champions and those with practical experience of running participatory budgeting projects who are seeking new, deliberative approaches to improve their work.

Book your place at



Whilst moving online means we could have an even more widespread and inclusive participation in the activities, priority will be given to those booking from within Scotland or part of the Erasmus+ funded Youth PB Accelerator programme, and in case of over-demand we may have to manage who is able to take part in the workshops.

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Laboratorio de innovación
social de la Universidad
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