I am Professor at the Chair of Applied Linguistics, Philological Faculty, Belarusian State University (BSU), Minsk. I am Doctor of Science (Philology.)
In 1989 graduated from Belarusian State University, Philological Faculty.
In 1999 graduated from Academy of Public Administration, Management Faculty.
In 2008 passed Doctor of Philosophy defense (Linguistics.)
In 2016 passed Doctor of Science defense (Philology.)
I conduct lectures in Computer-Mediated Communication, Corpus Linguistics, Basic Directions of Applied Linguistics, Informatics, Russian Language as foreign language, Business Communication. I lead scientific supervision of course projects, theses, master’s theses, Ph.D. theses.
I have more than 100 publications, of which 2 monograph studies, 3 tutorials and more than 60 scientific articles. Main works:
Barkovich A.A. (2015). Internet Discourse: Computer-Mediated Communication. Moscow, Flinta: Science. 288 р. In Russian.
Barkovich A.A. (2017). Informational Linguistics: Meta-Descriptions of Modern Communication. Moscow, Flinta: Science. 360 р. In Russian.
I worked in the framework of the project “The Creation of National corpus and lexico-grammatical basis of the Belarusian language and their software management”, at National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. I took part in more than 30 International scientific conferences. I am executive editor of collection of scientific articles “Computer-mediated communication and discourse”, BSU.