Noticias y actividades

Europeana launches Multi-Touch Book and iTunes U course on the 1st World War

Europeana launch the first Multi-Touch Book and related iTunes U course, World War I: A battle of perspectives, introducing students and learners to the causes leading to the outbreak of the First World War.

They are available in both Dutch and English on iTunes.

Euroepana bookThe project has been developed together with EUROCLIO and Gwen Vergouwen, an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) and Belgian history teacher and represents an step forward in the Europeana goal to use digital collections to bring history to life for students. It was developed through Apple’s ADEs in Residence programme which places selected ADEs in some of the world’s leading museums, archives, science centers, and cultural organizations to develop innovative teaching and learning resources.

The book and accompanying course allow students to explore a diverse range of different historical sources from Europeana 1914-1918 alongside learning resources from EUROCLIO. From letters exchanged between a German soldier and a British girl, to the ID card of a prisoner of war, the build up to the conflict is shown from a number of different perspectives.

Click here for more info.

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Laboratorio de innovación
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