Noticias y actividades

Convocatoria de The 2017 UAE for Blockchain Virtual GovHack

Desde Medialab UGR damos difusión a la iniciativa “Blockchain Virtual GovHack”, un hackaton internacional convocado por el gobierno de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) en el que Indra participa en calidad de patrocinador.

El objetivo del hackaton es explorar las múltiples aplicaciones del Blockchain en 5 temáticas principales:

  • Re-inventing Global Identity
  • Reducing the Paper Footprint
  • Fighting Fraud and Proceeds of Crime
  • The Future of Health
  • Building Smart Cities

Consideramos que esta iniciativa representa una gran oportunidad tanto para los investigadores y colaboradores como para los alumnos de nuestra Universidad. Los participantes, independientemente de los atractivos premios ofrecidos, tendrán la oportunidad de gestar y poner en marcha ideas innovadoras recibiendo el apoyo y la experiencia de Indra para el desarrollo conceptual y la elaboración de un plan de negocio asociado a las mismas.

Este proyecto está dirigido a toda persona vinculada a la comunidad universitaria. Las bases y diferentes modalidades de participación se pueden encontrar detalladas en estas páginas web: una y dos.

Incluimos la invitación original en inglés a continuación.

The 2017 UAE for Blockchain Virtual GovHack

The United Arab Emirates Government is pleased to invite you to the largest global virtual hakathonorganized in history to push the limits of what is possible using the blockchain. With more than $140,000 USD in prizes, the Blockchain Virtual GovHack is seeking out the best and brightest developers, designers and entrepreneurs to take place in this global virtual hackathon.

The Hackathon themes are:

  • Re-inventing Global Identity
  • Reducing the Paper Footprint
  • Fighting Fraud and Proceeds of Crime
  • The Future of Health
  • Building Smart Cities

The hackathon is one part of the overall “World GovTechioneers Race” which  is an annual award designed to acknowledge government technology pioneers for providing global solutions to common global challenges. Winners will be awarded at the 5th annual gathering of the World Government Summit which is the largest of its kind that will take place between the 12th and 14th of February 2017, in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

The World Government Summit is a global platform dedicated to the enhancement of government around the world. It convenes over 3000 participants, world leaders, policy makers, international organizations and experts from over 130 countries. In previous years, the Summit hosted a number of thought leaders as keynote speakers. Among the previous speakers, we

mention Hon. Barack Obama, President of the United States, H.M. Queen Rania of Jordan, H.E. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, H.E. Jim Yong Kim, and many others.

For Indra, innovation is a strategy integrated throughout the entire organization. We believe that Innovation and Entrepreneurship are key factors for our society in continuing progress and finding answers to new global challenges.Sharing this vision to transform technologies for improving people´s lives today, The UAE and Indra partner bring you to the 2017 UAE for World GovTechioneers Race.

A race that makes a difference

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Radiolab UGR
Laboratorio de innovación
social de la Universidad
de Granada