Noticias y actividades

Co-creating Citizen Science Programme

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The main objective of the activity “Co-creating Citizen Science” is to give visibility to projects related to values of citizen science and based on cooperation, openness and participation, in which these universities are either leading or taking part. One of the expected results is also to achieve advancements in the position paper that the Arqus Alliance is preparing on this subject.

The session will take place online on 6th May from 9 am to 1:30 pm (CEST). It is open to anyone interested and will be based on a participative approach. The working language will be English.

In the first part of the programme, universities will present their institutional initiatives on citizen science. After that, there will be brief presentations on specific projects (4-5 minutes) and thirdly, a living lab format will be used for group work on specific subjects of citizen science. The event will close with a sharing session. All participants to the full event will receive a certificate of attendance.

How to take part

If you just want to take part in the event and also receive information on citizen science and other initiatives of the Arqus Alliance, please complete this form where you can find this activity among others during the Arqus Academy Week 2021. If you have any doubt, please write to

Time Programme
09:00 – 09:45

Institutional initiatives on Citizen Science

  • Esteban Romero-Frías (University of Granada) & Hildrun Walter (University of Graz) Welcome, introduction to the CS event and to the Openness Task Force.
  • Florence Belaen (University of Lyon) – Boutiques des Sciences
  • Esteban Romero-Frías (University of Granada) – Social labs & social innovation for participatory science: the case of Medialab UGR
09:45 – 11:30 Micro-presentations

  • Alberto Barausse (University of Padua) – The crucial role of fishers and other local stakeholders in the conservation of salt marshes in the Venice Lagoon
  • Aletta Bonn (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research) – Citizen Science Strategy 2030 for Germany
  • Almudena Ocaña Fernández (University of Granada) – Laboratorio Pedagógico Virtual “PedaLAB UGR”
  • Andreas Exner and Petra Herout (University of Graz) – Deep Citizen Science: Everyday Life and Systematization of Experiences
  • Audrey Mazur Palandre (University of Lyon) – The life course of dyslexic students: a societal and scientific issue
  • Carlotta Mazzoldi (University of Padua) – Monitoring marine species through citizen science
  • Clément Thebault (University of Lyon) – Environmental and social projects builders on the workplace : what symbolic and legal recognition?
  • Eglė Šumskienė (University of Vilnius) – The active role of people with disabilities during the process of deinstitutionalization of care services
  • Frank Becker (University of Berlin) , Science Shop kubus, «From DYI fine dust measurement to citizen science»
  • Giedrė Godienė (University of Vilnius) – Implementation of European Landscape Convention, Public involvement and participation in the process of decision making related to the spatial planning, Landscape management and design; promotion of geography
  • Harald Sodemann & Mika Lanzky (University of Bergen) – How skiing during Easter can help understand the atmospheric water cyclepart of NFR Project SNOWPACE
  • Helene Chauveau (University of Lyon) – Science shop Impact Study
  • Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho (University of Granada) – Co-Historia. Análisis de la Participación Pública en la investigación histórica desde el ámbito de la ciencia ciudadana
  • Lukas Spielhofer (University of Graz) – The Graz Repository of ancient Fables (GRaF): A participative approach to creating Open Educational Resources
  • Manuel Villar Argaiz (University of Granada) – Oasis glaciares de alta montaña en Sierra Nevada: una campaña de ciencia ciudadana por todo lo alto
  • Massimo De Marchi & Salvatore Pappalardo (University of Padua) – Linking pixel to people in Amazon Rainforest: Participatory Mapping of fossil fuel impacts for climate justice
  • Peter Scherrer (University of Graz) –  150 Years of Archaeology – Citizen Science from the very Beginning till today
  • Robert Brodschneider (University of Graz) – Beekeepers as citizen scientists in research on the honey bee
  • Rosana Montes (University of Granada) – MonuMAI recognizing architectural styles from photographs of monuments
  • Simone Fari (University of Granada) – Laboratorio de Movilidad Activa de Granada LABMAG
  • Valentina Dagienė (University of Vilnius) – Promoting citizenship thorough solving ecological community issues
11:30 – 11:45 Break and preparation of living labs
11:45 – 12:45 Breakout sessions: Living labs

  • How to ensure data quality in citizen science projects?
  • How to measure success/reliability of citizen science research?
  • The role of citizens in citizen science project
  •  How to involve vulnerable populations in social policy, community development practice and research
  •  How to give institutional support to citizen science projects
  •  How to engage and motivate participants to get involved in citizen science projects
  •  Developing trust between citizens, researchers and institutions: an ethical approach
  •  Citizen science in Social Science and Humanities
12:45 – 13:30 Sharing and conclusions



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Radiolab UGR
Laboratorio de innovación
social de la Universidad
de Granada