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Call for proposals for the book: “With the Web/In the Web: cultural and artistic creation, investigation and communication in the era of the internet”

Medialab UGR are announcing a call for participation in a collaborative book about cultural and creative creation through online digital media. The study will be called “Con la Red / En la Red: creación, investigación y comunicación cultural y artística en la era Internet” (With the Network/In the Network: cultural and artistic creation, investigation and communication in the internet era) which will be coordinated by Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho (Medialab UGR) and Ana García López (professor of Arts at UGR), and co-edited by the University of Granada and Downhill Publishing New York.

The thematic lines of the monograph should pivote around the cultural and artistic creation and innovation that are developed with digital media and are disseminated, communicated or executed through Internet. We will accept proposals which focus will be the culture and art from the Digital Humanities field. Proposals in Spanish or in English will be accepted. Contributions should have approximately 4,000 words length.



  • Proposal submission: those interested in participating should fill out the proposal web-form before March 28, 2017.
  • Communication of proposals accepted: after receiving the proposals summary, the book coordinators will proceed to evaluate them. Those who have been chosen will be notified by April 4, 2017, through an email which will include the publishing rules.
  • Delivery of final texts: the deadline for the reception of definitive texts, according to the publication rules ,will be May 2, 2017.
  • Publishing date: we aim to publish the book around June, 2017 to coincide with the I International Conference of Social Sciences and Digital Humanities organized by Medialab UGR in which they will be presented.

Fotografía: «EBook between paper books» por Maximilian Schönherr con licencia CC by-sa-2.5-deed.en.

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Radiolab UGR
Laboratorio de innovación
social de la Universidad
de Granada